Writing Papers

I don’t procrastinate when it comes to writing papers. Math? Maybe… shhh!

However, when I need to write a super long essay or even a short discussion post for an online class, I never have any problems starting my project. Wanna know my secret? I just start writing.

I pull up a fresh, blank document, and begin typing furiously. It doesn’t matter what comes to me, or if it makes sense — I put it down. Whatever you learned in Comp 1 is cool, too, but I don’t follow the process that most textbooks suggest. UNLESS I am in the mood for some order. 😀

All I’m really doing is thinking on paper. How many times have you come up with a perfect thesis statement, or a great introduction and attention-grabber, only to forget it before you write it down?


After a few minutes, I will have a bunch of different sentences that basically follow the same theme. Then, I move them around into different paragraphs. Before I know it, I will have a pretty solid introduction, body, and conclusion.

By the way, you should totally read this essay by Robert Benchley about the art of procrastination. I read it in ninth grade, and it made a big impact on me (obviously).

READ IT NOW: http://www.stonesoup.org/meetings/0601/pim.pres/procrastination.pdf

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