
Writing Papers

Feb 2016

I don’t procrastinate when it comes to writing papers. Math? Maybe… shhh!

However, when I need to write a super long essay or even a short discussion post for an online class, I never have any problems starting my project. Wanna know my secret? I just start writing.

I pull up a fresh, blank document, and begin typing furiously. It doesn’t matter what comes to me, or if it makes sense — I put it down. Whatever you learned in Comp 1 is cool, too, but I don’t follow the process that most textbooks suggest. UNLESS I am in the mood for some order. 😀

All I’m really doing is thinking on paper. How many times have you come up with a perfect thesis statement, or a great introduction and attention-grabber, only to forget it before you write it down?


After a few minutes, I will have a bunch of different sentences that basically follow the same theme. Then, I move them around into different paragraphs. Before I know it, I will have a pretty solid introduction, body, and conclusion.

By the way, you should totally read this essay by Robert Benchley about the art of procrastination. I read it in ninth grade, and it made a big impact on me (obviously).


Story Time!

Feb 2016

Story time! I am going to tell you a short story about a long walk.
One day, when my family was vacationing in North Carolina, we decided to take a stroll down a long country road.  Well, it wasn’t really a country road. It was paved. Still, let’s call it a nature walk.

On the side of the road, we saw some wild green onions growing in little patches… we all thought it would be a grand idea to pick the chives and stuff them into my dad’s pockets so that we could cook with them back at the rental house.  I was thinking potato leek soup.

All of this foraging was very gratifying and liberating.  I felt like Katniss, too, which was a bonus.  Then, all of the sudden, every bit of the grassy land around me started looking like green onions.  UM, ARE YOU EVEN PICKING EDIBLE GREENS, PEOPLE?

I shared my revelation with my family.  Pretty sure all of us had starting picking grass.  We mixed up a lot of other things on this walk, too… For instance, my sister started to pet a dog on the side of the road, only to realize it was a wild wolf after looking more closely at its eyes.

We really are Floridians.

We brought our grass and green onions back to the rental house, put them in a vase, and then went out for dinner.



Hope you enjoyed story time.  I post on thursdays, so check back every week!



…It’s All Good

Jan 2016

Let’s talk a little about my childhood and upbringing.  Not that I believe childhood ever truly ends, but I’m going to turn twenty on seven-eleven. If I were not anti-red-dye#40, I would grab a free slurpee on my birthday, which would result in a shortened lifespan.  Beginning with my birthday.

I’m a homeschooler inside and out! Always was, always will be! Even when I was enrolled in “real school” up until sixth grade, I was unhappy with the way things were run.  Too many breaks, meaningless assignments, genetically modified lunches, recess that included dusty basketballs… the list is endless.  School was not fast-paced enough.  I love to work all the time, and not only on schoolwork!  If I’m not writing a paper or a song, I’m cooking, organizing, brushing my Shih Tzus, or attempting to paint porches or window frames.

Being homeschooled worked out wonderfully for me because it meant I had the opportunity to go everywhere with my parents, time I wouldn’t have with my dad later on in life like most kids do.  I graduated high school a year early and that bonus year came in handy. Last year, we lived in Vienna, Austria for a month.  We went to Germany, too.  I became seriously addicted to a jam they sell in all grocery stores there.  They don’t sell it in the states, so it would be cruel of me to explain to you the mouthwatering flavor of this heavenly jam (oops).  The sad thing about my time in Europe was that my family was there to support my dad during his alternative (and very unpleasant) cancer treatment, but I’m still grateful for the opportunity I had to travel to different parts of the world.  Traveling is like Christmas to me.  Traveling is everything.  I suffer from occasional withdrawals, like any wanderlust.

Where do you want to travel?

I Get To Blog!

Jan 2016

Setting for my first blog post:

Thursday. In my back yard trying to get some sunshine. Rain cloud appears directly over lounge chair five minutes after sitting down.  Yes, this is Florida.

CLOUD! You know when you are writing your first blog post and you start to look for ideas in the clouds?  Anyone else?  I’m Sam. I read everything I write in the voice of Katniss Everdeen.  I’m also majoring in Telecommunications, so writing is my thing (or I sure hope it is, because I finally decided on a major).

I can’t wait to meet more people as I embark upon my musical journey!  I hope you enjoy walking along with me as I explore different genres and themes.  I love the entertainment industry, and just as much as I love entertaining other people, I highly enjoy entertaining myself.

A huge wasp likes the smell of my hair, so it’s time to wrap this up.

Leave comments on my Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube… I want to hear from you!