Story Time!

Story time! I am going to tell you a short story about a long walk.
One day, when my family was vacationing in North Carolina, we decided to take a stroll down a long country road.  Well, it wasn’t really a country road. It was paved. Still, let’s call it a nature walk.

On the side of the road, we saw some wild green onions growing in little patches… we all thought it would be a grand idea to pick the chives and stuff them into my dad’s pockets so that we could cook with them back at the rental house.  I was thinking potato leek soup.

All of this foraging was very gratifying and liberating.  I felt like Katniss, too, which was a bonus.  Then, all of the sudden, every bit of the grassy land around me started looking like green onions.  UM, ARE YOU EVEN PICKING EDIBLE GREENS, PEOPLE?

I shared my revelation with my family.  Pretty sure all of us had starting picking grass.  We mixed up a lot of other things on this walk, too… For instance, my sister started to pet a dog on the side of the road, only to realize it was a wild wolf after looking more closely at its eyes.

We really are Floridians.

We brought our grass and green onions back to the rental house, put them in a vase, and then went out for dinner.



Hope you enjoyed story time.  I post on thursdays, so check back every week!



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